
Sébastien Zinck, TransZeroWaste’s coordinator is interviewed on ONE CHANNEL TV

TransZeroWaste One Channe
  • February 21, 2024
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Sébastien Zinck, Senior Engineer Circular Economy (LIST), presented TransZeroWaste project on Greek TV. He was interviewed for the TV Show “Marketing in Practice”, a business talk show aired on Greek TV since 2014. The transcript follows:


1. What is the reason-why behind this research Program?

The European Commission proposed this program to support research projects addressing major environmental issues in the steel sector. The first one is, of course, its decarbonation, as steel production is one of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions. Then, the reduction of the EU dependence to virgin materials is also a key challenge to address. And, even if the recycling rates of steel are quite high yet, there is still room for improvements in this field. The TransZeroWaste project aims at tackling those environmental issues by developing  and testing technological solutions supporting a cleaner steel production in Europe.


2. Which are the 3 most important objectives of Transzerowaste?

TransZeroWaste aims at answering to the previously described challenges by:
Developing new technologies to maximise the recovery of iron elements from production wastes, including some that are present in low concentrations.
Ensure the right quality of those recycled materials.
See how digital tools can support the steel industry towards more sustainability.


3. What is the expected impact?

The project intends to increase further the recyclability of steel production while generating environmental and economic benefits. Those potential benefits will be measured via science-based calculation methods during the project. So far, we estimated that the technologies developed in this project could avoid up to 9.9 Mt CO2 emissions per year.


4. Which European countries participate and how their know-how blends effectively?

The project involves 12 partners from 8 different European countries. Six partners work on the development and testing of the new technologies. Then, two steel producers industrial partners demonstrate the technologies in real environment and two research centres assess the environmental and economic performances. Lastly, two partners are in charge of dissemination and exploitation activities.


5. Which is the importance of European funding in scientific research today?

European funding is of great importance to support scientific progress and industrial innovation for EU companies, but also to address current societal challenges, starting with climate change. Such programmes allow to gather value chain actors and various experts around a common goal. Moreover, a holistic approach is often expected in such projects: this helps minimize the risks and identify the potential benefits from such new technologies.


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